This film is taking off on the Space Coast with all the right A's: award winning direction, ambition, awesome cast, attitude, and Ardavany!
Written & directed by Thomas Ardavany - an award winning NYC & LA theatrical director with 20 plus years of teaching film writers, actors and aspiring directors how to excel in their crafts and flourish in Hollywood, Ardavany brings an immediately doable film project to Brevard County, FL, given the contributions of several Florida film professionals, students and and community volunteers, this film becomes immediately doable given the vast experience and enthusiasm this team has which includes writers, actors, directors, editors, producers, students and aspiring future filmmakers.
Produced by Infinity Box Productions, an aspiring Melbourne, FL based female owned business led by "BLOOD INITATE" Producer, Sheri Taylor an entrepreneur, creative consultant, actress & model...oh and mother of three (including twins!) who's states, " I understand the value of being a creatively connected team player in order to achieve growth & success."

The end goal for the film is to create a heart felt experience for an audience, with the underlining theme “a family has to do what it has to do to survive”. The secondary goal is to create an HBO series based on this family. Stay up to date on our progress at www.facebook.com/bloodinitiate twitter@BLOODINITIATE
Tom speaks about his new film "Blood Initiate"
and the art of film-making.
Great insights from an elite acting coach/writer/actor/director.